Rview Shun Pro Knives & Shun Knife Sets

Rview Shun Pro Knives & Shun Knife Sets

Shun Pro Knives

The Shun Pro 3- Piece Boxed Asian Chef Set is a leader in the Shun Knife Sets series. This Shun Pro set features three exquisite knives.

  • a 6.5 inch Deba knife
  • a 6 .5 inch Usuba knife
  • a 9.5 inch Yanabiga knife.

The Deba is a multi purpose kitchen/Chefs knife, the Usuba is used for vegetables and garnish and the Yanabiga is perfect for sashimi or slicing meat. Each Shun Pro knife in this set is constructed using the Honyaku method of Japanese knife making and is made using high carbon VG 10 stainless steel.

All Shun Pro knives are designed with a hollow ground back meaning that only the cutting edge of the blade touches the food. Every Shun Pro knife in the Shun Pro 3- Piece Boxed Asian Chef Set has a PakkaWood handle (which is common in all Knife Shun Sets) and comes with a lifetime warranty.

Shun Pro are some of the best knives in the world. This is a very good quality product and Shun Pro Knives are superior to their standard range. Constructed using the Honyaku method (one piece of steel) as opposed to the Kasumi (many coats of steel) method. PakkaWood (a composite hardwood material) handles. Amazing Knives. It is very hard to fault this product. The price may be high, but you get what you pay for. If you can think of anything – please let us know.

Shun Knife Sets

The Shun Classic 9 piece set features everything you would expect from one of the Shun Knife Sets. It includes 6 beautiful knives, a pair of kitchen shears, a sharpening steel and a bamboo block housing to keep your blades from loosing their edge and getting damaged.

The knife set includes

  • 9 inch bread knife
  • 9 inch slicing knife
  • 8 inch Chef/Cooks knife
  • 6 inch utility knife
  • 3.5 inch pairing knife
  • 2.5 inch Bird’s Beak knife
  • A set of kitchen shears
  • High grade sharpening steel

Every Shun Classic Knife in all Shun Knife Sets is made in Japan following the Kasumi method of knife making. Each Shun Classic knife has a black PakkaWood (composite hardwood) handle and a one-piece stainless steel booster, end cap and tang.

Good Points

Very good product. Shun Classic knives really are very good. Every Shun Classic Knife is made by the yasumi method of folding steel – the same method used to make samurai swords. Made from SUS419 high- carbon stainless steel. The blades have a beautiful Damascus look which stops food from sticking to the blade. The PakkaWood handle – is amazing, comfortable and every Shun Classic Knife is well balanced. In a word – Superb.

Bad Points

Shun knives are especially designed for the user. Every Shun Classic Knife comes in left hand and right hand versions – you cannot buy one knife for several people to use. They cost a lot – but they are amazing.

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